Small Habits, Big Change
I will pledge too!
This is Firm. He is an ignorant 18 year old who unknowingly portrays bad water wasting habits. He does not turn off the tap while brushing his teeth or while shampooing his hair.
Furthermore, Firm does not believe that making small changes in his daily life to conserve water will lead to any significant impact for water-conservation in Singapore.
Join Firm on this journey to make changes in his habits by following our Instagram page here!
Hey everyone! We are a group of students from Nanyang Polytechnic. We started this social movement campaign "Small Habits, Big Change" because the majority of youths in Singapore are unaware that the smallest of actions leads to water wastage.
The objectives of our campaign are to change youth's attitudes and beliefs towards saving water by getting them to be more responsible by continuing to take steps to save water even after the completion of the campaign.
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Dallas & Randy.